The 8 Keys of Excellence

When it comes to gaining new life skills at our learning and life skills camps, it all begins here. The 8 Keys of Excellence provide a framework for success in life. Success in all aspects of life depends on you. Whether you are a parent or a student, you are the master of your world. You create the direction and outcome of your life, and that's the good news!

The state of authenticity when our values and actions are aligned. Integrity happens when what we value is evident in our actions.

Failure Leads to Success
Feedback from failures provides the information we need to learn so we can succeed.

Speak with Good Purpose
Speaking in a positive manner. Being responsible for honest and direct communication and focusing on truth-telling, and maintaining integrity.

This is It!
The commitment to focus our attention on the present moment and the willingness to make whatever we are doing most important.

The ability to follow our vision without wavering; staying true to the course.

The quality of accountability and responsibility. The ability to be counted upon and the willingness to take responsibility for the choices we make.

The willingness to change what we are doing to achieve the outcome we desire. Flexibility allows us to choose the best option to accomplish the outcome.

Balance is our personal 'bank account' of meaning and fulfillment within our life. To stay in balance we must make the choices that give the greatest meaning to us.

Exposure to the 8 Keys and to the broader life skills portion of the curriculum is one of the many aspects of our learning and life skills camps that make us unique among academic summer camps. Students are able to gain important new learning skills and with their newly-acquired life skills, they gain the confidence, motivation and interpersonal skills to apply them effectively in their lives.

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